School Tour

We travelled all the way to Irish National Heritage Park in Ferrycarraig and on to Tramore this year, our first school tour since 2019. We learned alot about the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Early Christian Ireland thanks to our amazing tour guide Paul. We were...

Aladdin Panto

We finally got to deliver our Aladdin Panto to our family and friends in the Parish Hall on Thursday the 16th of June. All children in 6th class rehearsed for many weeks and gave a wonderful show with Widow Twanky, Aladdin, Jasmine, Sapphire and more.. They were...

Wellbeing Week

A celebration of wellness took place in our school. Sixth class embraced all aspects of our themed week. Mindful Monday; we coloured mindfully, relaxing and being present in the current moment. We actively read in DEAR time. Time to connect Tuesday; we enjoyed...

World War Two

January was a busy month for 6th class. The theme chosen was world war 2 and the children certainly embraced it. We started with geography, locating Germany and Poland in Europe.. we explored the timeline of key events and researched using teacher chosen websites. Our...