Book Tasting

Book Tasting

1st and 2nd class took part in a book tasting event. We set up the classroom like a restaurant and they booked in. They each had a book to read along with some juice and biscuits. They read their book for one minute and then gave it a score out of 10. They then passed...
Well-being Week

Well-being Week

1st and 2nd class celebrated well-being week by playing some new and old games, trying some new fruit, having a pyjama party, giving and receiving compliments, having a board game party and a dance party as well as doing some yoga. Lots of fun was had!
STEM-Making Slingshots

STEM-Making Slingshots

1st and 2nd class were given a variety of materials and asked to make a slingshot in groups. They worked really well together to come up with some unique ideas. They then tested their slingshots, reflected and made some changes to improve them. All of the groups...