Mentor texts are a great way of developing children’s knowledge, to aid prior knowledge and ultimately easing the comprehension of a Fiction Text.
We used a National Geographic Book on Polar Bears to gain insight into the Polar Bear and its features. We used it as an opportunity to revisit Information Reports and create lovely reports in pairs and small groups. We used the skill of determining importance, skimming, seeking clarification, synthesising, not to mention connections and inferring to log important information.
Peer mentoring of 6th Class students with 5th class lead to create conversations, finding compromises and solutions in respectful and fair ways.
We used the two stars and a wish assessment strategy to reflect on the learning experience. Our work is proudly displayed outside our classroom and will be used as a stimulus to the Climate Action Mandate for schools
Climate Action
This goal relates to tackling the real and undeniable threat climate change presents to
us and the planet. The goal promotes taking the necessary steps and making the needed
changes to protect ourselves and the world we live in – this can be done through
education, innovation and pursuing the global goals.’