SpraoíSpraoi is our Junior Special Class with teacher Mrs. Kennedy and SNA’s Helen, Elaine and Caroline for 23-24.
Together in Spraoí class, we pride ourselves on celebrating everyone’s individual strengths, encouraging and enabling all to reach their full potential.
We recognise the importance of a child centred approach, adopting a wide variety of teaching methods and multisensory learning to enhance all our children to have access to the curriculum.
Our aim is to equip all of our children with the “tools” necessary to grow and develop into being the best of themselves. We recognise the importance of promoting social communication skills, life skills and independent living skills which we incorporate into our school day.
Spraoí is a colourful and creative classroom with six amazing and unique children. We are extremely proud of each individual child and feel very privileged to watch them achieve their individual goals.
Latest News
Outdoor sunshine and GAA
Juniors enjoying their outdoor classroom lesson and a presentation of Hurleys by Emly GAA this week. A big thank you .
Funtimes at Spraoi
Art,Gymnastics,and playtime.
Movement in Spraoi.
because….. we like to move. Super movement breaks at Spraoi.
Halloween Assembly with Spraoí Class 🎃👻
Spraoí class display
Spraoí Van Gogh paintings
News Archive
Wishing all Dads and Grandads a special day on Sunday from all the staff and children 🤩
Spraoí School Tour to Marlhill Farm
Parts of a plant
In Science we have been looking at living things. Spraoí class have been looking at the external parts of a plant and have become aware of the conditions a plant needs to grow.