st. ailbe's NS
5th & 6th ClassMs. Hartigan is working her magic with 5th and 6th class again this year, with a busy group of 26 pupils plus some of the boys from Íontas class joining in. Ms. Hurley is also on hand to support and ensure that each child is reaching their full potential in their final stretch of Primary School.
Latest News
World War Two
5th and 6th have immersed themselves in learning about World War Two .
Wellbeing 2025
Walk and talk at our local GAA walkway.
Paiseann Faiseann le rang a cùig agus a sè.
Happy Christmas
2 D shapes ,lines and angles .
Handwriting Hero winners October (5th and 6th).
News Archive
It’s a grand finale parade
With the cast all gathered on stage……..
Our Thank Yous
A huge thank you to Mrs O Brien and Ann Marie for organising the purchase of our graduation Class of 2022 jumpers. To Emma for all her help with rehearsals and in classroom. Mother Goose for making her return from 2015!!!!!!! And finally to Mr O Shea for everything...
Wellbeing Festival 2022
The school enjoyed its second annual Wellbeing Festival on Tuesday the 21st of June. We are very lucky to have access to the local GAA pitch and Astro. Rang a Sé started their morning with their ’Rang a Sé Buffet’ breakfast. The children planned whAt they wanted to...